Monday, February 29, 2016

All the guys from 'Pawn Stars' should compete on an episode of 'The Price is Right'

I don't really watch either of these shows, but I would for sure watch that episode

Does an immortal being skip their 1460th birthday - going right to 1461 - because they've experienced an entire extra year of Leap Year days?

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If I travelled back through time to the middle ages my spice rack would be more valuable than my iPad

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I wonder how many Oscar heads have been in vaginas.

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Someone holds the record for highest number of people to have masturbated to the thought of them.

But who is it?

I wonder if I will ever get to a point in life where I search on websites using the filter 'Price - High to Low'.

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Everyone pointing out for years that Leo hasn't won an Oscar was more of a recognition of his talent than the actual Oscar.

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Everyone says dating someone because of their personality and not their looks is a good thing but telling someone you're only dating them because of their personality and not their looks is a really bad thing to say

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Django Unchained is about a dentist fighting candy

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Considering how there's no traces of humans in the film, the Lion King could be set in any era. It could be the bronze age, 21st century or a cyborg future where humanity has gone extinct.

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Leap Day should be an international holiday where all business is expressly forbidden. Everyone gets a "free day" to spend extra time with loved ones, chase dreams, or try something new.

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Fishing would be a lot less popular if fish could scream.

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One extra day every four years and of course it's a Monday

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Using the whole animal was really cool when Native Americans did it. Less so when McDonalds does it with their chicken nuggets.

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People judge me more when I drink 6 cans of sprite than when I drink 6 cans of beer

EDIT would judge me more - I've never had 6 cans of sprite in a sitting. Beer on the other hand...

Mammals both produce milk and have hair. Ergo, a coconut is a mammal.

Checkmate, atheists.

On April Fools Day Tinder should reverse the swipe orientation.

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The font "Comic Sans" literally means "without humor"

The most ironic font name ever.

With the amount of gay men that hit on me I'm starting to think straight women just have bad taste.

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I have no physical evidence that today is Sunday, I just take everyone's word for it that they've kept count since the first one ever.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

I'm not sure who is more happy, Leo for winning his Oscar, or me for not having to hear about Leo and his lack of Oscar wins any more.

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In my teens it was cool to smoke. In my 30's its cool to quit.

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Chris Rock should have introduced Charlize Theron as "The first African presenter of the night" to wrap up his Oscar monologue.

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"Explain like I'm five" is often more like "Help, I don't wanna Google this"

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April Fool's Day is the best day for a company to unveil a potentially controversial product. If people hate it, they can just claim it was a joke. If people love it, they can continue working on it.

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GEICO's "up to 15% or more" claim technically means "anywhere between 0 and 100%"

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Sometimes I get insecure about my penis size but nude male statues make me feel better.

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I liked it better when apps were still called 'programs"

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The King of Queens sounds like a show were one straight man lives with several gay men.

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If I ever have kids, there will come a day that I beat them in a first-person shooter, and then go fuck their mom.

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Why the heck isn't Nordic Metal known as RagnaRock?

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Shout out to the first guy who pointed to a wolf in the distance and said, "I think we could be friends."

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Blood is as much a symbol of life as it is a symbol of death

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If Lord of the Rings was written 2000 years ago, there would be a religion based on it.

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Whenever someone says their zodiac sign is enough to describe them on its own, it is. But probably not for the reason they think.

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If I ever become a bad guy and make a bomb, I'm going to make all the wires the same color.

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Nabisco should sell Oreo cream in a jar as a spread to put on any cookie.

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Google maps should team up with garbage trucks to update street view weekly.

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I will never earn significant Reddit karma by posting links or articles, because Reddit IS my source for links and articles.

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Interesting how in today's society we idolize actors yet the theatre kids in school are often treated as outcasts.

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Crabbe and Goyle are so slow because of all the generations of pureblood inbreeding.

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Human beings are the most intelligent and complex organisms in the known universe. They're often made by accident.

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Do dogs sleepwalk sometimes and we just don't realise because they're dogs?

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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dogs are great because they could rip you apart and eat you but they don't, because they want belly rubs instead.

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"I can't stand vegans" is becoming the new "Did I tell you I'm vegan?"

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When I have a child, I am going to take thousands of pictures of it during its first year of life. But slowly release them over 5 years so people think my baby doesn't age.

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I have Parkinson's Disease, and my hearing is starting to go. If I go completely deaf and have to learn sign language, I'll have an uncontrollable stutter.

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George McFly paid to have his car cleaned by someone that tried to rape his wife. That's a bit fucked up.

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I wonder how Bert feels when Ernie, roommate of 40+ years, says that a rubber duck is his very best friend.

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Women are objectified, and objects are womanified ("Nice car, she's a beauty")

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If Hogwarts is the finest, high class school for witches and wizards I'd love to see a spinoff movie of one of the more ghetto, inner-city magic schools.

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People will die of cancer the day before the cure for cancer is created.

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Have a "How's my driving" sticker on the back of your car with a premium rate telephone number. Then drive like a dick.

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Without the kinds of people who take the time to review products, I would have no idea what to buy when online shopping

You are the real heroes, I salute you!

There is a man somewhere that can literally beat every single person up

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When I'm happy I focus on the beat of the song; when I'm sad I listen to the words.

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Whether I have second thoughts on getting a brain transplant or not, I would still be changing my mind.

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Leafs are solar panels.

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The older I get, the more inconvenienced I feel about having to scroll down farther on date of birth drop-down lists.

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Technically, we are all the centers of our own observable universes.

Or maybe universi.

I can make up any TIL I want and then link a really long Wikipedia page and 99% of Redditors will never actually read the wiki but will assume the fact is true.

I know, because I never actually read the source. I just go the rest of my life telling people "yeah, Michael J. Fox is the inventor of Pogs. I saw it on Reddit."

How can the same porn actress that starred in Anal Virgins 1, also star in Anal Virgins 2?

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No matter how much you trust someone, you still make them stand up to prove they aren't sitting on the remote control

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The coolness of wearing nothing but a robe all day is directly proportional to your level of income.

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Most of my high-karma comments on Reddit are simply because I was the first person to comment.

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I know inflation is real because the Subway special is now a $6 foot long.

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If a girl is hotter than me, I am by definition cooler than her

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With Pokémon having announced their next two games (Sun / Moon) There are going to be a lot of traumatized children who google search "Pokémon S&M"

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People who say "sorry I look like shit, I'm not wearing any make-up" are literally apologizing for looking like a normal human being.

This thought popped into my head and has made me feel uneasy lately.

"Sorry I look like shit, I'm not wearing any make-up!" "Sorry, I'm not wearing any make-up" "I'm not wearing any make-up, I look shit, I know."

I hear it all the time. In person, in YouTube videos, on TV, everywhere. People are basically feeling the need to say sorry for nothing - as if they are expected to continuously look like something other than their natural selves and not doing so somehow warrants an apology to another person. Or as if stating that you "know" you look "shit" without make-up is some kind of tactic to make the other person feel better that you've acknowledged something you THINK they are thinking about you. What the?!

If you're guilty of this - stop that absurdity right now! No more! Whether another person is into how you look or not - showing your natural self is something you never have to be sorry for.

The best part about reddit is finding a poignant, mind blowing, or even heartbreaking life story, piece of advice, or whatever, then glancing up to see it was posted by titsmasher8000.

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The Wikipedia page on Humans reads like it was written by an alien race

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Friday, February 26, 2016

If one man's trash is another man's treasure. Then garbage men are pirates.

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What if all Mario lives are clones, and the bottom of every level is filled with thousands of overalled corpses?

I'm mostly just hoping someone will draw this now.

We can trust each other to not ram our 4,000 pound transportation machines as we pass each other on the highway, but we can't trust each other with our favorite pen

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Women look really hot in underwear and shoes while men look really ridiculous in underwear and shoes

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If I had a time machine, eventually its most common use would probably end up as a snooze button

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When you blow out your candles on your birthday, wish to die this year. Tell someone what you wished for. Repeat. Become immortal.

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I don't think I've ever intentionally texted the word "duck".

And yet my phone seems to think I'm often sending messages about waterfowl.

I wish at the end of our life we get a grand total of all our body's stats: Miles of hair we grew, gallons we peed, liters of blood we pumped, pounds we crapped, words we spoke, miles our texting thumb scrolled, etc.

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If cigarette taxes are to stop people from smoking, doesn't that mean income taxes are to stop people from working?

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Every time I hear the word "dictator", I think "penis potato"

Every time I hear the word "dictator", I think "penis potato"

It's very possible that in my life I did something that started a chain of events which resulted in someone's death.

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My dream last night had a plot twist. I "created" the plot twist, yet didn't see it coming...

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The levels of coolness associated with saying "I was in a band" vs "I was in band, " are vastly different.

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If we have only discovered 2085 planets and we have very roughly estimated their are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 exoplanets in the observable universe. Then disregarding any extraterrestrial life now would be like taking a tiny step in gigantic forest and saying "well there's nothing in here"

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When making an account, I'm annoyed when there is only one password box because I might spell it wrong, and I'm annoyed when there's two because I have to write the whole thing again

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Usually while watching How Its Made I wonder how the machines are made that make the product.

Especially industrial manufacturing machines.

A pun is like an inside joke for an entire language.

I'm ready for my punishment.

If I manage my bank account like I manage my phone battery, I'd be rich.

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The less taste water has, the better it tastes.

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I've used semicolons for winky faces way more than I've used them for their intended purpose.

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U2 were able to get on to everyone's iPhones, but the FBI cannot.

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In Orwell's 1984, they had a nationally enforced daily exercise plan, and guaranteed employment. We don't even have that.

Just all the continuous surveillance.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Growing up is realizing that the bottom bunk is probably more convenient.

Easier to make the bed, easier to get in and out of... Damn I'm old now.

Walruses are sabertooth seals.

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What if I already DID get the chance to go back in time and change something, and the timeline I'm now living is the result.

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A clear browsing history means a dirty browsing history.

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Most people will gladly store their useless junk in their garage, and leave their $20,000 car outside

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A ton of people is only around 10-15 individuals.

"Dude, there was a TON of people at the party!"

"So a dozen dudes?"

Maybe I have an obscure superpower like whenever I sneeze lightning strikes in Pheonix Arizona, but I'll never know.

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At some point in my life, I will unknowingly pose for the picture that will be used at my funeral

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If you ask a girl out on Feb 29, you can save like 75% on anniversary presents in the long run

or guy, NTTAWT

As a kid, doing nothing was a punishment. As an adult, doing nothing is a reward.

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Every time you eat you reset your "death by starvation" timer.

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If we never had leap years, today would be July 11, 2017.

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Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a pool

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"Neil Armstrong" backwards is "Gnorts, Mr. Alien"

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In a few years, when all of our smartphones are waterproof, we'll be able to push people in swimming pools again

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Most of us live in a generation where we will be the old people whose hobby is video games

Most stereotypical old couples stick with hobbies developed in their younger years. When we get older, whether we're millenials, gen y, or even gen x, it's likely we'll end up being the old couple who plays some video game together, instead of an activity like watching an old TV show, knitting or the like.

There are more nipples than people in the world

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As an adult being asked if I want a cookie seems patronising and demeaning... but I still want the cookie

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I don't understand homophobia, personally I wish more guys were gay. If 99% of the male population were gay, I'd be able to have sex with almost any girl I pleased.

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If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME stuff, why didn't he just buy dinner

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When Jay-Z and Beyonce got married, did he call her his Feyonce?

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"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" is really just a fancy way of saying "Doesn't matter, had sex."

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In 5 years, we'll be closer to 2070 than we are to 1970.

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I wonder if people made paper airplanes before real airplanes were invented.

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When you're a kid, the fun police are your parents. When you're a parent, the fun police are you kids.

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Snoop Dogg should do a commercial for Clear Eyes

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

When robots take over, they will use Boston Dynamics videos as propaganda showing humans torturing robots.

Grand Theft Auto should have a setting called Ultra Realistic, where laws in real life like speeding and blowing by stop signs are enforced, and the police respond accordingly.

I understand this probably would not be fun.

What if Global Warming was Earth's 'fever' to get rid of a human infection?

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Since my wife works in a hospital. Anytime i want to get out of work, i could simply say "I need to go, my wife is in the hospital."

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Toothpaste companies should produce an unflavored paste specifically for brushing before eating/drinking.

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Apple has a gay ceo who doesn't let anyone in the backdoor.

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My phone knows how to route me around an accident miles ahead in real time, but still hasn't figured out what the hell I'm doing when I pull off the road into a gas station.

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Karl Marx would have loved 3D Printers because they allow individuals to own the means of production.

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Dragons must have a hard time blowing on their soup to cool it down

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If men can "think with the wrong head" does that mean women "talk with the wrong lips" sometimes?

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When I was a kid I thought being approached by strangers for candies and rides home would be way more common.

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If the first zombie of an apocalypse was killed, the savior of the world would be unknowingly charged with murder and sentenced to life in prison

What if this has already happened

What if people processed time at different speeds , so smarter people process time slower , giving them more time to think and internally consider decisions

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Metal music is called metal because it's heavier than rock.

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Seeing a YouTuber in the comments of another's video is like seeing a teacher in public.

Hardly ever happens, or rare.

If I squeezed a new bottle of ketchup and ketchup came out, I would never realize that the safety seal was missing.

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I purposely avoid "click bait" thumbnail links, even if they look interesting, in hope it will make them less effective

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4 pints of beer feels like a small amount of alcohol to drink in an evening. 4 pints of water seems like a hell of alot.

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Lord Farquaad should have picked Snow White, because having another dwarf around would be anything but abnormal to her.

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If my job was to browse reddit I would probably spend less time on reddit at work.

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Incorrect facts about Amish people spread around the internet are not very likely to be corrected...

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My Mom says that I'm growing up to be just like my Dad, but they've been divorced for over 25 years... Is she secretly telling me that she hates me?

EDIT: Wow, I've never had this many replies to a post. Thanks guys! I'll clarify the context for everyone now that some time time has passed.

My parents had a very very smooth divorce from my perspective, and it continues to this day. I don't remember much of it because I was so young, but I have no memories of fighting, and there is no doubt that violence was not involved. They just weren't right for each other and they wanted what was best for their two kids. My sister and I switched houses every two weeks and everyone got along very well.

I know that when she says she sees my dad in me, it's supposed to be a compliment. She is a wonderful lady and I couldn't imagine her doing something like secretly insulting her own child. I just like looking at the darker side of a seemingly nice comment.

Thanks again guys/gals!

Every time I have to chase a ping-pong ball, I feel like a 3 year-old. I'm convinced there is no cool way to chase a ping-pong ball.

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When my tongue is burned from drinking hot beverages I realize how much I underappreciate the time my tongue is not burned

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Was medium fructose corn syrup ever considered or did we just crank that shit to HIGH right off the bat?

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They really need a cricket emoji, for when people don't reply to a text.

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If a zombie outbreak really happened it, people would think it was a hoax and not respond appropriately.

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If I say a word that isn't in the dictionary and another person understands what I mean, but tells me that is not a word, they are holding back the progression of language.

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"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." is proof Earth is canon in Star Wars. It just may not exist yet.

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We don't get chain E-mail anymore because the people that proliferated it are sharing useless crap on Facebook now.

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If an alien came up to me one day and said "take me to your leader", I would have no idea how to accomplish that.

What would you do? Call the police and tell them you have an alien? The news would just assume you were crazy. Walking it through town until people notice seems like a pretty good way to get shot in the south.

If enough people in the same area have the same speech impediment it becomes an accent


The FBI and DOJ saying "just this one iPhone" is the legal equivalent of "just the tip."

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When I first drank Bud Light, I didn't really like it because I didn't like beer. Now, I don't really like it because I like beer.

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My job could easily be automated. The only reason it isn’t is because it would cost too much. That means a robot won't even work for my salary

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It's somewhat normal to go home with a random one night stand, but it'd be weird to hold their hand while walking to another bar. Hand holding is now more intimate than sleeping with someone.

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Maybe we should have really listened to George Carlin instead of just laughing

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There should be public auto repair shops, like a library, where you can check out tools for free and old timers hang around and give advice.

People could donate their tools and it would have more rare stuff you typically wouldn't have at home like engine cranes, sandblasting boxes and paint tents.

It took me way too long to realize that Liam is short for William

I even had a friend named Christopher who told me when he was in Denmark people called him Stopher, so I had an example of this form of abbreviation already.

If my son became a priest, would I still call him father?

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I wonder if nostrils are finger sized because we've evolved to be able to pick our nose.

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I'm troubled by the lack of papers published on pornography. I'm starting to think that none of you guys are actually doing research.

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USA is like your hipster friend who hates mainstream stuff like soccer and the metric system.

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Botox could be considered a performance enhancing drug for poker players

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If Cow Tipping was a real thing, there would be videos of it on YouTube

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Nowadays I feel more anonymous in person than online.

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The NSFW tag has never actually prevented me from clicking on a post while at work.

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To finish on the Reddit front page, you don't only have to say/ask the right thing, you also have to do it in the exactly right moment.

Or people that would upvote the post will not be reading.

Edit:Is this the right moment?

I probably haven't seen the third page of Google search results in 10 years.

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If sperm weren't microscopic I would never masturbate

Imagine shooting sperm out one at a time like big whitish tadpoles

The number 14233221 describes itself; it has one four, two threes, three twos, and two ones.

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My dream car is an old VW bug. Knowing that people get punched randomly every time I drive somewhere would be so satisfying.

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Someday soon someone is going to take their VR headset off and realize their home had been robbed while they were gaming

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Finding a perfect girlfriend is like trying to catch a shiny pokemon, on the rare occasion that you encounter one you won't have the balls to catch it.

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As someone who witnessed the birth of the CD, it's very likely I'll witness its death too.

/shakes fist at twits facebooking their hashtags all over itunes

I was taking a bath earlier and suddenly realized I've never seen a picture or a video of a walrus swimming.

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The word "abbreviation" is really long for what it's trying to accomplish.

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I think that really the most unbelievable aspect of the Harry Potter universe is that almost every wizard and witch is able to keep a fragile, expensive piece of wood intact for their whole life

Seriously, 11 year olds would be breaking wands all of the time!

I'd be a lot more motivated at work if my boss paid me in cash every hour.

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Cynicism is the price you pay for understanding reality better than optimists.

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If we ever end up settling on a planet with low gravity, boobs will stay perkier much longer.

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When I tell people "I saw it on the Internet," even if I'm right, they think I'm an uninformed crazy person and can't be trusted to make decisions.

Like a fox!

When recreational cannabis becomes legal in New York, they really should change their name back to New Amsterdam.

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Bands should have "donations" pages, so that after I torrent their album I could easily throw a dollar towards supporting the artist (probably 3 times their share of an album sale).

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As a Canadian with VERY little knowledge of the American electoral system, these caucuses feel like the first 90% of the fights in an anime where the side characters are eliminated in lead up to the final battle.

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I also have a teardrop tattoo for every person I've killed.

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

"Trojan" is actually not a very good name for condoms, considering the Trojan Horse was used to sneak guys in.

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As a teenager, when I said "I don't have the money" it's because I literally couldn't cover it out of my checking account. As an adult, it means I can't realistically fathom spending the money that I actually have.

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You know something is wrong with the healthcare system if you get sick and the first thing you worry about is "how am I going to pay for this."

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Those custom child bedrooms made in Extreme Makeover Home Edition must suck for the teenagers that live in them now

This one kid had just a frog themed room

"The Leaning Tower of Pisa" is an anagram for "I spot one giant flaw here"

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A warm toilet seat is the ultimate double-edged sword.

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The more I sit through the same ad on YouTube, the less likely I'll support it's business.

Fuck lobsterfest

I have never had a female pizza delivery person in my 27 years of life.

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If I can't find your hours of operation within 30 seconds on your website, you need to change your website.

Almost all businesses have a website nowadays. It really irks me when I know a business has a store front but doesn't display their hours prominently and I have to search through their website to find a blogpost stating their hours!

As a blind person, so much of fashion seems arbitrary to me. These pants are so tight I can barely breathe, but I'd better wear a belt, or people will judge me.

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The 'old me' was younger.

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In 40 years when they remake the Harry Potter movies Daniel Radcliffe will probably play a minor character and children won't believe you when you say that he was Harry Potter once.

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What if magic is real but nobody has any mana?

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Virtual reality porn is going to cause a major increase of people getting caught masturbating.

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So Mario's girlfriend is repeatedly "kidnapped" by the same guy, and every time Mario goes and beats up him and all his friends? I'm starting to think Peach doesn't actually want to be with him.

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If Mario and Luigi work at the same plumbing company, they should be wearing the same color scheme.

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AdBlock is actually beneficial to advertisers as they then do not have to pay to show their ads to people who are the most likely group to not click on their ads.

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Religion is like a book club that got outta control.

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If humans were like honey bees and we died if we killed somebody, wars would be a whole lot different.

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The "dumb jock" stereotype might have come about due to unchecked and undiagnosed concussions in high school athletes.

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History is written by the victors - What if Satan was trying to overthrow an evil tyrant, who defeated him and convinced the world Satan was the evil one?

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As a kid I thought being able to perfectly reproduce my signature would be much a bigger deal than it actually is.

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I hope Jared Fogle gets fat again in prison.

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Businesses that are open "365 days a year" should close on February 29th.

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Dear fifth grade math teacher. I do in fact have a calculator where ever I go now thanks to my cell phone.

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I have never seen a store brand Gum

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When I lived in the city nobody noticed a siren, but would freak out over a gun shot. Now that I moved into the country people freak out over sirens but are completely indifferent to a gun shot

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Today's date (2-20-2016) looks like it's stuttering...

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Saturday, February 20, 2016

I can confidently say when something smells like rotten eggs, though I can't confidently say I've ever smelled actual rotting eggs.

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If your pet rat gets sick, giving it human medicine will probably heal it

or, at least it won't kill it

Saying you're going to get a facial could mean your face is going to be very clean or very dirty.

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In the song "99 Problems", the police officer says "well we'll see how smart you are when the k9 come". If this dog is a female, one of Jay-Z's problem is indeed, a bitch.

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Our phones can track our locations, and Google even keeps track of this information. It would be really cool if every time you added someone to your contact list, Google told you how many times your paths have crossed, and when and where it happened.

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Instead of Sesame Street or Disney characters, newborn diapers should be printed with helpful quotes for new parents

My newborn daughter can't resolve a picture of Big Bird, and doesn't have a clue who Pooh Bear is. After a rough stretch in the hospital and some tough nights (with many more tough ones to come), it would be pretty rad to be changing that diaper and see "You got this, pal" or "In a few weeks you'll get more sleep during the night". Or even "Even though it seems tough now, it won't take long, time will fly and you'll get through this".

My penis is alot like a gas pump, no matter how many times I shake it there's always a few drops that never make it to their destination.

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According to the saying "You are what you eat", being a cannibal is perfectly human.

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Ryan Reynolds just got a free pass to be the biggest troll on the planet. He could do almost anything now and claim its Deadpool marketing

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As a kid I hated getting grounded, now I get upset when I have to leave the house

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When the internet first became popular we were afraid of people from the internet finding us in real life, now we're afraid of people in real life finding out about our lives on the internet.

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If the big religions of the world started out today, they would just be passed off as cults and laughed at.

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You should not commit to a tattoo unless you can read your post history from a year ago and not end up asking yourself, "what the fuck was I thinking?"

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If I was a criminal, I would draw the same fake tattoo in a really conspicuous place before all of my crimes, so witnesses would tell the police I had a tattoo and they would discount me as the perpetrator.

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Today's date (2-20-2016) sounds like it's stuttering

Repost from last year.

Do you think unpopped popcorn kernels feel like survivors, or utter failures?

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I don't pirate things because its free, but because it's easier then getting it legitimately

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Instead of r/RoastMe we should have r/ToastMe, where we say super positive things about people.

Make them feel fucking amazing. Thank you Aronskii for the idea!

Edit: We learned that there really is a r/boastme and r/toastme! r/toastme is more popular, so cool

Maybe we're the advanced alien race that one day shows up to mess with other peoples' planet.

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My dryer is actually a machine that slowly turns clothing into lint.

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Some girls say "you'll never find another one like me" after a breakup, isn't that the point?


EDIT: I was not broken up with I was just thinking about it from the past, that is all

The older I get the more I realize, the professional world is extremely unprofessional.

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When someone finally invents a hoverboard, they won't be able to call it that because the name is already taken by those dumb ass sideways skateboards

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Friday, February 19, 2016

Talking to people on the internet in the 90s meant I was a loser with no friends, not talking to people on the internet now means I am a loser with no friends.

What the fuck happened?

Future Me is constantly fucked over by Present Me, who should have learned after being fucked over by Past Me

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Once marijuana is federally legalized, we'll get to tell our grandkids we survived the Weed Prohibition.

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The person who put the 'B' in subtle really know what they were doing

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If the gold rush had happened just 20 years later there would be a football team called the 69ers.

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One challenge modern film makers have is putting characters in situations that cannot be solved with smart phones.

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Once you've got a good handle on food and shelter, life is just trying to entertain yourself over and over until you die.

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As individuals, humans are amazing. As a race, we're terrible.

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Ya know all of those bad guys who went to jail at the end of all of those 80's and 90's action-comedy movies? Most of them would be out of jail by now.

Ya know the Fratelli's from the Goonies? Marv and Harry from Home Alone? Eric from Billy Madison? All of them, out in the general population for years by now. I was seriously contemplating posting this is /r/LegalAdvice just to see what kind of time some of the most infamous movie offenders would have got. It would be interesting to have some people in the field make some estimates.

Laptop designers need to test their product at 4 am in a dark room half asleep and THEN decide if their brightness setting goes low enough

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If someone would have told me 10 years ago that people in 2016 would be walking around with vaporizing pens I would have thought it would be something way more cool than what it really is.

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My worst trait as a shitty American is experiencing frustration when filling out a profile and finding that the 'Country' section doesn't have USA listed at the top

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If pigs could fly, the price of bacon would skyrocket because they'd be harder to farm.

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A boner is just a bar graph representing how turned on you are.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Grammys is one of the largest gatherings of the most successful heavy drug users in the world

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If your favorite body part is anything but the brain, then that's just the brain being modest

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I can purposefully stub my toe all day and barely feel a thing, but as soon as it's an accident it's like someone took a sledgehammer to my foot.

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Facebook is like the tiny town you grew up in and always wanted to escape, while Reddit is like NYC and it's noisy and you're anonymous.

My anti-social is anti-social.

Kid me thought Malcolm in the Middle was about good kids with awful parents. Grown up me sees it as good parents with really difficult kids.

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Kanye's lyrics in Gold Digger ("But she ain't messin' with no broke n****s") are much more hilarious now.

Not one to revel in others misfortune but ahhhhhh karma.

You should be able to brush your teeth at the dentist's office, rather than before. So he could give you pointers if you do something wrong

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I bet the "rack" (torture device that stretched your body) was actually pretty nice for the first few seconds.

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Thursday, February 18, 2016

I wonder if auto-erotic asphyxiation works on other things. Like this sandwich is pretty good, but what if I was also hanging myself

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The song "Take me out to the Ballgame" is sung almost exclusively by people who are already at a ballgame.

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My cat probably thinks my alarm is the sound I make when I wake up.

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It's kind of amazing that "cockpit" isn't a common euphemism for the vagina.

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If the FBI wants to get to an iPhone without users permission, they should just ask someone who's done it U2

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Smartphones should have a lock button--press the button to lock a picture on the screen so you can hand it to someone and they can look without swiping.

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The porn stars I'll eventually beat off to as an old man haven't even been born yet.

I feel dirty.

Milk is a flavor of chocolate, but chocolate is a flavor of milk

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I think the phrase "in the closet" should be changed to "keeping a straight face"

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There's a moment in every Redditors day where they finally click that boring looking link they've ignored this morning because everything else is already purple.

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Antarctica doesn't have a southern coast.

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If you were to change "Fuck, Marry, Kill" to a cutlery themed sentence it would be "Fork, Spoon, Knife"...

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If Kanye Really Needs The Money He Should Just Make A Sex Tape With Ray J

Kim put in the work and is pulling her weight, time for Yeez to step the fuck up

My daughter routinely comes home from school with 1-2 hours of homework to do every night. If my boss did this to me I would tell him to shove it up his ass.

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When I quit drinking soda I thought i would be proud of how healthy I was being. But in reality I'm mostly happy about how much money I am saving by getting water instead.

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How many Cell Phone Suicide Bombers have been killed by Telemarketers?

Seems like something that would go unnoticed/unrecorded

I feel like the US refuses to adopt the Metric System out of spite at this point

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If the far left and the far right have one thing in common, it is their love of bumper stickers.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Prostitution in England could be codenamed "pound-for-pound".

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Kanye is actually in love with T-Swift, but since he has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader, putting her down is the only way he knows how to express it.

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Considering i routinely masturbate and defecate in the presence of my cellphone, I should think twice before putting anyone's cellphone close to my face ever again.

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If doctor had told me I have 6 months left to live, I would approach it as any other deadline and probably just be lazy until the last month.

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We encourage ugly people to love themselves but hate pretty people who do

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/r/all should have three settings: nsfw off, nsfw on and nsfw only.

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I can send pictures of smiling poo, but I can't text in italics

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Receipts are just death certificates for money you used to have.

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This is the oldest I've ever been, but I'll never be this young again.

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What if Diamonds are like ancient optical storage devices (like a condensed DVD), containing millions of years of history and data on an ancient civilization and we just don't know how to read it, so we wear them because they are pretty.

Got the idea from this

Now that I'm older, I realize the joke isn't that Squidward hates his job, but that SpongeBob loves it.

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Lunchables are just MREs for kids.

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How you spell grey area is a gray area

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I use parenthesis () way more often than brackets [] but brackets are much easier to access on the keyboard.

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If Reddit was spelled Readit the argument of how to pronounce it would never end.

(red-it) vs. (reed-it)

When Chumbawamba got knocked off the charts after their one hit they never got back up again.

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Your bed is a shelf you put your body on when you're not using it

More original title: don't need one fgts

If I die in the same hospital as I was born in the average velocity of my life would be 0

That's a pretty depressing vector

If Parks and Recreation and Rick and Morty have taught me anything it's that hating guys named Jerry is a cool thing to do.

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If you think about it, a kangaroo is is just a T-rex deer.

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"Sub zero temperatures" only sounds dramatic to Americans.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Porn stars should choose pseudonyms that are easier to type with only your left hand

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It occurred to me as I watched Deadpool last night, that Deadpool should teach a brief sex education lesson in the beginning of Deadpool 2 to punish crappy parents who bring their kids to rated R movies.

Basically, I saw Deadpool yesterday, it was awesome. But after seeing the how many shitty parents brought their super young children to it, I had an idea.

First, given how Deadpool loves to break the 4th wall, I thought it would be great for the movie to start with Deadpool looking around the theater and saying something along the lines of "Wow, children at my movie! Damn, your shitty parents really fucked up tonight, didn't they!" And then continue to insult the parents or give "bad" advice for children, such as telling them to steal from their crappy parents. BUT, then I thought it could be a perfect opportunity for Deadpool to teach some sexual education! Something like, "So, children, your parents thought it would be a good idea to bring you here tonight! Well, time to correct their fuck-up. Boys and girls, listen up! Sex is fun and feels great, but should be done safely, because if you don't you can get some fucking nasty diseases... Condoms are like rubber bulletproof shields for your penis..." etc.

Trying to convince people that something needs to be done about climate change feels oddly similar to trying to convince people to help clean up at a party in progress.

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Procrastinating is just enjoying all the side quests in life whilst you delay the main quest story mission

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Mark Zuckerberg should donate $53 million to one of Taylor Swift's charities and tweet a photo of the check @kanyewest

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In 15 years, North West will be posting in r/raisedbynarcissists

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The reason why most duels took place during high-noon was so neither participant had sun in their eyes.

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Not watching episodes of a series on Netflix without my girlfriend is the modern day version of chivalry.

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Restaurants should put the Wi-Fi password on their menu.

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Reddit thanking me for not having adblock plus is how I found out about and installed adblock plus

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When I read posts on reddit about crazy Americans, since I live in the U.S they don't shape my perception of the country (rightfully so). When I read a post about something crazy a guy in China did, I make inferences about the country and culture as a whole - and so does most of Reddit. I'm a bigot.

Think about it. Two different posts:

"Chinese man leaves baby for dead on street of Beijing"

Top Comments - China is fucked up, their culture is about self preservation, it's the result of China's corrupted insurance system,

"Florida man leaves baby for dead in Orlando"

Top Comments - What a terrible person, he deserves to burn in hell, the world is fucked up, how can such people exist, lol florida man! at it again

Shaving your balls before a date is towing a fine line between being presumptuous and considerate

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Everything sounds four times as powerful with the word "industrial" placed in front of it. Industrial steel. Industrial engineering. Industrial revolution. Industrial power metal. Industrial accident.

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Snowmobile engines should be rated in dogpower.

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"One man's junk is another man's treasure" needs to be put on a nice big sign at a pride parade.

I would think that it's been done already, but if not, get on it!

I'm tired of living, but I don't want to die.

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If Kanye is really broke he got what he always truly wanted -- To be considered a real artist.

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I love to sleep but hate going to sleep

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Kanye West should've waited until Taylor Swift was accepting her Grammy and released his new album as she started her speech.

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Technically all milk is breast milk.

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Erica is the best name for national pride in the USA. Everytime you introduce yourself you get to say "America"

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I live alone with a cat. The most used word in my home is probably "meow".

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There are more airplanes in the sea than submarines in the sky.

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Reddit is now the main social media network I use but I don't know anyone who uses it.

(unless you count YouTube)

The classic ipod is easier to use than the current iphone music app.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Everyone at the Grammys looks like the people from district one in the hunger games.

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If the universe is 4-dimensional and we perceive the 4th spacial dimension as 'time', then we're just a stretched-out spaghetti-like string with our newborn self at the beginning and our old self at the end. Our consciousness is like a spark of electricity traveling down a wire.

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The Reddit hive-mind went from "college isn't for everyone" to "free college for everyone" rather instantaneously.

This isn't a statement on whether or not I agree with either position. (I personally think the money would be more wisely spent improving Primary education)

It's just interesting to see how a political bandwagon can so quickly cause an instant shift in the ideas of such a large number of people.

Netflix needs to have a "Play only one more episode then turn the device off" feature.

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I'm permanently logged in to facebook, gmail &c. because I know I'm the only one who uses my computer, but I still watch porn in incognito mode in case someone goes on my computer and looks at my browser history.

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In the future, everybody's self-driving cars will drive slowly around the block all day to avoid buying parking tickets.

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We all have calculators in our pockets despite our math teachers saying we wouldn't all be walking around with calculators in our pockets

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Science is just Nature thinking about herself.

We are a part of Nature. So when humans do science it is just Nature trying to figure herself out.

I have never seen a plus sized male model

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The most realistic part of GTA V is when I'm charged $5,000 every time I go to the hospital.

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It would be really weird if emotional dramas had "cry tracks" similar to sitcoms with laugh tracks.

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At some point in the future, when people show pictures of their ancestors, they won't be grainy sepia photographs, they will be HD selfies from their Facebook profiles

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People who use the phrase "sheeple" are almost always the most easily tricked by false information

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George R.R. Martin is taking his time writing the final GoT books because he realized the only way to hurt fans more than killing off all their favorite characters is to die himself before completing the series.

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The JFK assassination might have actually been the result of someone coming back in time to prevent nuclear war

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Celsius makes it easy to tell if its freezing out, but Fahrenheit makes it easy to tell how bad a fever is.

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Keeping a flower in a vase is a bit like trying to keep a severed head alive for as long as possible.

Or so I'd imagine.

Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy your dozen roses :)

Sometimes I read comments on Reddit and get annoyed at how everyone seems to act like a nerdy 13 year old. Then I realize that's probably exactly what they are.

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The older I get, the more risky "your mom" jokes become.

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There is a family of bears that is obsessed with wiping their asses and it is known as "advertising".

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Deadpool should have leaked a fake version of the film where it's just Deadpool playing with action figures reenacting the entire film.

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"Ryan Reynolds" sounds like a Stan Lee character

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If A.I. took over the world and destroyed the human race then one day it might go up against A.I. from another solar system. I hope our A.I. kicks their ass!

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Anyone who says they are bored is clearly taking the internet for granted

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Water is just rusty hydrogen

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We now have hundreds of emojis, but I still cannot underline, bold, or italicize in a text message.

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Supernatural is the opposite of super natural.

Super natural as in very or extremely natural

Im surprised nobody has been eaten yet while pooping in The Walking Dead.

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This subreddit probably isn't very popular in Flint, Michigan

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If a man sexualizes a woman licking a popsicle he is objectifying the woman but personifying the popsicle.

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there should be 'fuck off' mode on your phone, where no one can contact you and you can just use the data

Shower thought

The yellow journalism and ads in modern media is so bad, that I would rather get my news on reddit from a guy named 'PM_ME_YOUR_TITS' than 90% of the internet.

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My grandmother is 93 years old, which means she has been alive for both the production of the Model T Ford, and the use of driverless cars.

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The time between being potty trained and getting our period is the only break women get in their lives from wearing some form of diapers...

(diapers/pads for our period)

...perhaps also that short time between menopause and needing diapers because we can't hold our pee.

Trailer Park Boys are the adult version of Ed, Edd & Eddy. Three nutjobs try a bunch of schemes to get rich, and almost always fail hilariously.

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I wish browsers would stop asking me if I want to save my password before I know I put in the right one.

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Falling asleep with the TV on is the adult version of being read a bed time story.

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Every time I get a notification that I got a message on reddit, my first thought is, "Alright, what did I say to make someone angry this time"

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Pregnant women have to order virgin drinks

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If Satan is so terrible, why would he torture bad people in Hell? Shouldn't he welcome them with a tickertape parade and high-fives all around?

  • Job well done!
  • Good on you, kicking that dog off that cliff!
  • Masterful murder, Manson!
  • A ravishing rape! Stuck, that landing--if you know what I mean!
  • Killed that bombing, Mo!
  • And the award for best baby molestation goes to...!

They should make a Batman movie where no info is given on the actor and he's always in costume so you have to guess/figure out who it is

Bruce Wayne is a massive celebrity in Gotham City, I'm surprised everyone there hasn't figured out he's Batman

Valentine's Day tomorrow, everybody is gonna be waking up to cute paragraphs & I'm gonna be waking up to "100% charged" and "update iCloud storage"

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I gave up soda because it's unhealthy, but three or four nights a week, I consume alcohol that could severely damage my liver and see nothing wrong with it.

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PornHub should have an educational category that shows you how to have safe sex, open and put on a condom, etc..

Would be like Sex Ed with real dicks instead of bananas

Stephen Hawking is 74... That's the best proof I need that exercise isn't necessary to living a long life.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

I started to use reddit 6 months ago, and now I can't remember how I used to use Internet before reddit.

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There should be a Tinder for jobs where applicants swipe right on companies, and companies swipe right on applicants.

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If my dead loved ones are always watching over me, they probably think a lot differently of me now.

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South Park needs an episode about Martin Shkreli called "Shkreli's Deli," where he buys out the food in town, owns a store and jacks up the prices on his sandwiches, causing starvation and misery.

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An Egg McMuffin is a younger version of the McChicken.

For all I know my McChicken laid the egg of my McMuffin.

Watching Horror movies during Valentines day won't make you feel like you're alone anymore.

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Saying "we don't come from monkeys because they're still around" is like saying "Americans don't come from Europeans because they're still here"

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Thanks to men's locker rooms at the gym, more guys have seen me naked than women

I'm a guy

'Crows feet' is a pretty lousy name for something caused by a lifetime of smiles, laughter, and sunny days.

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Why do porn sites have a share to Facebook button? Who watches this and thinks, you know who would really enjoy this? My friends and family.

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Becoming an addict is kind of like watching your hair grow; you don't really notice anything wrong until you look in the mirror one day and realize that it's gone too far.

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I have never witnessed the word "spangled" used outside of the U.S national anthem, and probably never will.

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About every 15 minutes, there is a wave of people being woken up by alarms. 5 minutes later another wave of slightly less motivated individuals wakes up for the second time.

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Seeing random people you don't know everywhere you go is actually special. Im probably seeing a person that someone else is dying to see or misses but I get to see them without even trying.

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Perhaps the phrase "Rest In Peace" is a spell and, because of its widespread usage, is the only thing preventing a zombie apocalypse.

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Alex Trebek should host an AMA where he gives us his answers first.

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Sleeping in is considered lazy, but going to bed early is not.

The person who sleeps from 2am-11am is seen as more lazy than the person who sleeps from 10pm-7am even though they've both been sleeping for 9 hours.

Centaurs have two ribcages

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Our office is run on solar power. That means when we use our air conditioner, we're using the power of the sun to reduce the power of the sun.

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I looked up Comcast's rating on the Better Business Bureau and found out they have an A- rating. With that, the only thing the BBB helped me judge here was their own ratings system.

Congratulations, you rated yourself. F

I wonder if my computer knows I'm using it to find its replacement

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I wonder if my dog always follows me into the bathroom when I have to go, because I always follow him outside when he does, and he just thinks that's how it works.

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I am the 4th daughter in my family. My name is my parents' least favorite.

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Friday, February 12, 2016

Saying you smoked weed with your boss is so much cooler than saying you smoked weed with your employees.

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Trophy wives are prostitutes that are paid a salary instead of hourly.

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Netflix needs a “I have 30 min before I’ll fall asleep and I want to watch something funny” category.

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Girl Scouts is basically a brand-name cookie company that gets away with child labor.

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Phoenix sounds like a good place to get cremated.

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By typing "HEY, YOUR FOOD IS READY" here, there's a good chance I just helped someone out.

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Now that I'm a dad "Green Eggs and Ham" makes perfect sense. Sam-I-Am isn't some jerk relentlessly bothering a nice man, he's a parent trying to get his petulant son to eat dinner.

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A poodle is literally a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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After I started working, I began to feel that 10am-to-5pm takes a lot longer than 5pm-to-12am.

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If r/GetMotivated would actually work, it wouldn't have nearly as many subscribers because they would do something else with their time.

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The number of boobs in the world is pretty close to the number of people in the world.

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When hiding a dead body, put it 8 feet under the ground with enough dirt over it to put a dead dog 6 feet under. When a search dog finds the area they will dig down far enough to find the dead dog.

If you are searching for a dead body and a search dog finds a animal corpse 6 feet under, dig 2 more feet.

If you ever hear someone talking about Fight Club, you can accurately say, "That guy doesn't know the first thing about Fight Club."

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Staying up an extra 20 minutes doesn't seem like a lot but sleeping in an extra 20 minutes is great

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Do polytheists say "gods damnit" or is there still only one god in charge of damning things

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I would never have believed that I would see a new Star Wars AND a new Harry Potter before the next George RR Martin book

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There should be a "no depressing shit" button on reddit.. I don't like looking at sad stuff.

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I wonder how many criminals have looked in my car and decided it wasn't worth breaking in to.

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If Aladdin released for the first time today, it would be considered controversial to have an Arab Disney princess

Trump supporters would boycott Disney.

The very people who a few years ago "didn't want parents on Facebook" are now spamming their baby pics all over my timeline.

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In an uphill race, the first runner up is actually the winner.

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What if Deadpool takes over the cameo role for Stan Lee after he passes?

Stan Lee is getting pretty up there in age, (and with all the big names that are passing already this year, I'm not counting anything out) so honestly there couldn't have been a better time to introduce Deadpool onto the silver screen....assuming in the future 20th Century Fox decides to play nice with Disney and share their toys.

I can't wait for the wave of angry parents who took their kids to see the Deadpool movie without knowing what it is

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If you dress like a jogger before you chase someone, nobody would think twice.

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Commenting on a thread over an hour old on the front page feels like pissing into the ocean.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

If the sign says "girls" then girls go in. If the sign says "girls girls girls" then guys go in.

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When Eve doomed the human race for an apple it made me think.. What would she do for a goddamn klondike bar?

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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Companys who play unskippable ads should pay in on my data plan.

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I read recipe's the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and think "well that's never going happen"

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God bless whoever thought of the idea where music stops on your phone if you pull the headphones out.

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There's a Hell, Michigan. I need to move there and open a bar called "Special Place".

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How Scary Would it be if Entire Clouds Could Freeze Solid and Crash Down From the Sky?

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If you attempt to rob a bank you won't have any trouble with rent/food bills for the next 10 years whether you are successful or not

Unless the bank sux and has no cash.

Yesterday I got a free burrito from Chipotle that they gave away as a result of the E. Coli outbreaks. I have never gotten E. Coli. Thus E. Coli has only had a positive impact on my life.

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It has been years since I clicked 'next' on a Google Search.

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If I drank enough water, my piss would be cleaner than the tap water in Flint, MI

In theory, by watering down my urine enough it would be safer to drink than the lead infested water in Flint

Google should produce and maintain an online jokes database and call it "Giggle".

At least, I think it'd be cool.

I wonder what video you would end up on if you left youtube autoplay on for a week/month/year.

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Parents who named their newborn "Elsa" months before Frozen came out will forever be silently misjudged for their lack of originality.

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It's strange to think that a lot of people are Christian because one of their ancestors decided to be one instead of getting slaughtered.

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Since Youtube is doing Youtube Red. Redtube should do Redtube You

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Since Youtube is doing Youtube Red. Redtube should do Redtube You

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The first time I went to a non-English-speaking country and heard people on the street speaking words I couldn't understand, I thought, "This must be how babies feel."

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Google should really have a "limit search to sites I've already visited" option

Chrome and my Google Account already store my complete search and browsing history. So many of my searches are "attempting to find something I found previously", it would just make sense.

bonus points: "limit search to sites I visited between 3 and 6 months ago"

There should be a porn genre where the receiver dresses in company logos and you can watch a company you hate taking it in the ass

Fuck Comcast.

Disney has been instrumental in extending copyright laws, but most of their most famous movies are adaptations of folktales passed down from many generations

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"I can't check the time because my watch is doing a software update" is probably the most ridiculous thing I've said this week

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If I killed myself, I'd get a huge balloon and tie a gun to it. I'd shoot myself and the gun would float away and everyone would always wonder what happened.

No I am not suicidal in the least.

Hair. It's beautiful when attached to a head, and disgusting the second we see a strand detached.

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"Buy the textbook I wrote" is the university lecturer version of "Buy my mixtape, it's fire"

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When you play paintball, you should be able to use a paintbrush as a throwing knife.

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Putting "www." in a web address is like putting "Planet Earth" on a piece of mail

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Microwave popcorn should come in see through bags so that you can see how many kernels still need to pop or if it's burning.

Probably not plastic, but something see through and durable enough.

A gallon of gas is now cheaper then a small drink at Taco Bell

Edit: I used the wrong "than vs then" i'm dumb

1 Gallon of gas in Pensacola, Florida = $1.70

Small drink at Taco Bell = $1.79

Try telling me that back in 2011 and I would've never believed it

If I had been the one who invented coffee, I would have tossed it out as a failed experiment.

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Any billionaire that doesn't have an underground vault filled with pound coins, so they can pretend to be Scrooge McDuck, is wasting their money.

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The new American Dream is having a positive net worth.

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Running from the police is the equivalent of betting double or nothing

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When I was younger, spending $20 on DVD's and eating from the dollar menu was a regular occurrence. Now, I spend $20 making dinner and rent movies for a dollar.

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We invented the telephone so we wouldn’t have to type out messages anymore, and now all we do is type out messages.

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A boomerang is just a frisbee for lonely people

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A fork really is just 4 sticks on a stick

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As a married man, NSFW in my mind means Not Safe For Wife.

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The only difference between "mostly sunny" and "partly cloudy" is my weatherman's outlook on life.

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I wonder how many random people I've interacted with on Reddit who are now dead.

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Reddit is just like my real life: I'm just sitting around listening in on people's conversations, too afraid to say anything.

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My kill-death ratio against chickens is ridiculous

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If Amazon sold a suicide machine, it would only have negative feedback

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Burning an audio CD once seemed so amazing. I haven't burned a CD in years and probably never will again.

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The old ISpy books would be great for an art gallery, huge blown up pictures on the walls where you could just sit and look for the hidden items

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"Let the force guide you" is basically "Jesus take the wheel" in Star Wars

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I have yet to hear of an ovation that was of the non-standing variety.

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Kanye West is offering a prize to anyone who can guess what Kanye West's new album title "TLOP" stands for. Kanye West probably doesn't even know what it stands for. Kanye West is waiting for someone to submit the best title.

Kanye West.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Water is just a portal to a universe where you can fly, but you can't breathe.

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My internet goes out more than I do.

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People claim with surprise that Eskimos have 100 words for snow, but ignore that makeup companies have 1000 words for light brown.

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How the hell is Little Italy not called "the Spaghetto"?

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I just wanna shower forever..

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It's weird they report fantasy football during Sports Center. That's like the local news telling us how your SimCity is doing.

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Muffins were created for people who don't want to be judged for eating cake in the morning.

Muffins are simply cupcakes under the guise of breakfast food.

The first guy that paid for life insurance died never knowing if it was a scam.

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If M. Night Shyamalan's next film doesn't have a twist at the end, I'll consider it as his biggest twist.

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When I unsubscribe from a newsletter and get an email confirming that I've been unsubscribed, it feels like they needed to be the one to say the last word in an argument.

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Telling someone with depression to cheer up is like telling someone with acne to wash their face

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I wonder if wolves are afraid of vacuum cleaners.

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Nothing screws up your Friday like realizing it's Tuesday.

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Toys R Us should change their mascot from a giraffe to a dinosaur, a "Toysaurus".

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The real heroes of reddit are the people who trawl through new posts

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It seems like every car is a J.D. Power and Associates award winner.

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I wonder if my gym will be super full of new Asian people now because today is Chinese New Year.

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Jeopardy needs to make audio versions of their show and put it in a podcast.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

If I somehow got blasted 3000 years into the past, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't be able to invent something as mundane as a toaster.

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There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today, than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs, huge erections, and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

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The older I get, the lamer the superpowers I want.

While flying or super strength would be pretty sweet, all I want is the ability to fall into a restful sleep whenever I feel like. Or the ability to snap my fingers and make messes clean themselves. If I had a cool power like teleportation I'd probably only use it to get to work or the grocery store. Save gas, ya know?

I'd be the worst superhero. :P

As an introvert it seems so pointless to hate people for their race, religion, or sexual orientation. Get to know them instead, and you'll find there are literally hundreds of other, perfectly valid reasons to hate them.

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In the 90s and early 2000s, boredom for me meant being alone at home. Due to technology, I have not been bored alone in my home in the last 10 years. I am much more likely to be bored when I am out with a real person.

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If solar panels were 100% efficient in absorbing light, we wouldn't be able to see them.

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Billy Dee Williams (Lando from Star Wars) is really good at hiding the fact that his name is William Williams.

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I've never once thought, "Wow, I'm glad Num Lock isn't enabled by default."

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I have spent an entire day not seeing, hearing, looking after or cleaning up after kids. A day like this would be an unspeakable luxury if I had kids.

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Sarah Connor was the very first victim of cyber-bullying.

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When Bruce Willis dies, there will be so many posts saying that he was actually dead the whole time.

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I wonder if I've ever coincidentally interacted with someone I know on Reddit

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There should be an official Youtube video that establishes a baseline "loudness" so that editors can standardize it and so I don't have to change my volume constantly

The RIAA should also do this for music.

As a British guy on Reddit, I've seen hundreds of pictures from the Superbowl, seen at least 2 of the adverts during the commercial breaks, seen clips of the half time show, and even know how much the drinks cost. But I still have no idea who won.

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/r/lifeprotips is a just another sub for posting showerthoughts, but for people who think they're smarter than everyone else.

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The meteorite that killed the indian guy traveled trillions of kilometres for billions years before hitting him. This is the best sniping event to date

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When I was a kid, I thought the threat of being eaten by piranhas would be far more likely than it actually ended up being.

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Is Itchy and Scratchy a live action show to the Simpsons? As both shows are cartoons to us

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When I was a kid, I used to think Mr. Mosby on The Suite Life was a buzz killing asshole. As an adult, I'm pretty sure I would lose my shit too if I ran a hotel that got destroyed by high-voiced blonde teenagers every 5 seconds.

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